Having a spooky honker, I am capable of smelling many items no other person the age of thirty nine can detect. I’m also close to being legally blind so my nostrils must do the walking.
Cat Box: Disgusting, but easy
Dog Poop Patrol: I smell better with my nose and walk more efficiently in my sleep doing that crap
Receipts: They smell sort of strange, but I have a keen sense of getting screwed, so I am capable of discussing the manner with any banker
Clean cut grass: I search the world for this stuff because mowing grass smells like something I haven’t had to do for a long time.
A Baseball Glove: There’s nothing like the smell of leather which requires molding, shaping, placing beneath your bed, allowing it to marinate in the bathtub, (with epson salts of course) or dousing it with oil.
Napalm: I’m stealing this from a famous movie, but I’ve heard there is no better smell. I beg to differ. My father, fighting in the Korean War, did not find the smell so warming, since he was hit by a patch of it.
A Post Office: Most humans don’t believe they exist; Completely obsolete. Today, I found one and I could smell the twenty dollars they required so my mother could receive my letter in time for Mother’s Day. My sense of smell cost me an hour in line, some profanity and a parking ticket……….my mother is worth it.
Speaking and smelling of fathers, let’s talk about Mothers instead. They smell of peace, tranquility, laughter, honesty and flowers you forget to purchase them on that sacred Mother’s Day.
I love my mom, just like all of you do your own. She smells better, sees better, hears better (depending on her batteries) and loves better than anyone I know.
Hopefully, you feel and smell the same about your mom as I do.
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