Snowpocolypse Now

Living in Seattle, driving can become a little tricky, and one might say at times, maddening enough to send any calm and cool pacifist into a rage of gun wielding fury.  This is on any normal day, depending on when and where you are commuting and eventually committing a crime.  Toss in a snowflake or two, sprinkle in a few hundred thousand people never having driven in snow, perhaps from other countries, and it results in bedlam.  Or, if you will, as some weather analysts are describing it, (cue the music on any news station in Seattle)…..bum bum bum, “Snowmageddon”.

Refusing to play the old card of gently placing weathermen, or meteorologists under a bus, or a zamboni, I will do otherwise, because I find their job to be quite compelling and challenging, or most of the time, just stupid.  Mother Nature has a sense of humor for a reason.  She gets tired of people predicting the weather when, on an off night, maybe coming off a hangover, or perhaps involved in a marital dispute with Father Barstool, she just doesn’t have the time or patience to grant snow days for poor uneducated children and lazy teachers who look forward to those days more than Christmas.  (I was once one of those teachers)

I will, however, toss a few, “on site reporters” under my zamboni.  They are eerily similar to golf analysts using adjectives not necessarily fitting the occasion.  When someone makes an outstanding putt, it is not “courageous”.  When it is 32 degrees outside, the conditions aren’t “brutal”, especially when my wife, two dogs and I are wearing sweatshirts and ball caps tossing snowballs at our snow dogs in the back yard amidst this “brutal” day.  The word “cold” and the phrase, “My ears are a bit numb” seem more appropriate.  Additionally, when these reporters were using the word “brutal”, if they used that term around someone visiting from Great Falls, Montana where it is 20 below,  they might find themselves getting a shovel bounced off their exaggerating onions.  Twenty below!  Now, that’s brutal.  A hole in one!  Still not courageous, but quite amazing.  Those are my analogies for the day, but I must leave you with my last bit of weather rage.

On site reporters get tingly, (I don’t wish to use inappropriate language) when educating us simpletons regarding this bizarre white substance floating to the earth.

On Site Reporter:  “If I can just get you to pan the camera down here by my feet, this wet, but clearly visible flake of nature is referred to as snow.  It happens when Mother Nature has diarrhea, spends too much time in the bathroom, and doesn’t have time to turn up the cloud thermostat.  It also stays around longer than rain.  Rain is just Father Barstool pissing on everyone in Seattle who drives a BMW.  If it continues to snow, re-write your wills and pray that there is a Heaven.  Back to you, Mark.”

You learn about snow when you are about two years old, and most toddlers are not watching the news.  Rather, they are watching more important, and relevant shows like “Sponge Bob, I think I Crapped My Square Pants”.   Or, hopefully, they are out sledding with their parents, and the father is teaching him or her how to place a rock in a snowball, just in case they require some heavy artillery when facing the neighborhood enemies in a friendly snowball fight.

Oh yes, and by the way, you idiots, if you don’t know that it’s a little more safe to slow down in these conditions, you deserve to be in a ditch, as long as nobody gets hurt but you.

(This snow plow blog was inspired by my public relations manager, Vic Parcher, who is currently marketing a line of t-shirts well known in my office and certain bars as “Thrown Under the Bus Club………Are You a Member?”.  I, Ben Gannon, am the acting C.E.O.  If you’d like to purchase one, as of yet, you can’t.  We’re working on that, but if you’d like to observe one, for only five dollars and five minutes of viewing, you can witness one of these shirts encased in 3 inches of bulletproof glass at our home.  People in wheelchairs get in for 4 dollars and 50 cents, but can only stay for 4 minutes and 50 seconds.)





Super Heroes

I’ve always wanted to be a super hero.  Who doesn’t?  If we could assist distressed and endangered women, men, children and impatient travelers, what could be better? Unfortunately, with my lack of super powers such as the capacity to fly, invisibility, inhuman strength, good looks, underwater communication with sea creatures, not to mention the lack of funds to purchase cool cars and shark repellent, I have become a super zero.  I don’t even have it in me to buy pepper spray.  This brings me to the sad transitional point.  Pepper spray doesn’t necessarily make you a Super Hero.

Recently, and I am serious, there has been an odd trend of “Real Life Super Heroes” floating around the country.  It has become an enigma only I have time to ponder.  Specifically, according to the papers, Seattle based,  these are ordinary people roaming certain jurisdictions attempting to keep the peace.  They fabricate costumes, such as masks, fake abs, capes, and most importantly, their special unique power which apparently no earthly being possesses, pepper spray.  THIS IS NOT A SUPER POWER!  It works when jogging down 1st and Pike St. when someone asks you for a handout, but in a crowd of drunken sailors who just wish to partake in a friendly fight, jumping in with pepper spray is only going to get your ass kicked by the only drunken sailor avoiding the spray.  People, so I’m told, even have witnessed bears doused with this substance only to wipe it off and develop a use of the English Language saying, ” ok, it’s go time”.  Yikes.

According to The Seattle Times, a man referred to in the “real life fantasy world” as “Phoenix Jones” designed a mask, suit, tie, and cape to fight crime only with pepper spray.  A Youtube video displays him sprinting in, said costume, attempting to break up a fight prompting him to pepper spray men and women before assessing the situation.   Observers and police officers noted that the men and women were merely dancing  after a fun evening of partying.  The video progresses to this masked crime fighter attempting to break up this street clearing brawl of talking and dancing only to retreat from a middle aged woman wielding a shoe while beating the hell out of him.  Luckily, for Phoenix Jones, his plastic helmet saved him from ultimate demise.  He then escaped in an SUV.

Police apprehended “Phoenix Jones” later that morning.  He was booked for assault with a “hurtful and made someone cry weapon” and was released shortly after his companion, and partner in crime fighting, “Sun City Jones”, posted bail.  His face was revealed, but I will spare him further embarrassment from posting a picture of this formerly masked crusader.  I will, however, poke a little fun of what he could have been doing at the time to save our nation with pepper spray.

Have you ever seen a man or woman take a penny out of that sacred penny jar at the inconvenient store?  Pepper spray his or her ass, including the clerk.  Have you ever been sickened by the mother of three children illegally sampling a grape at a grocery store? Don’t just pepper spray her, pepper spray the children, and just to get you in the hall of fame of justice, pepper spray all the fruits and veggies surrounding this evil mother of three, thus poisoning any others who commit such crimes.   That will be an eye and mouth opening experience for those who steal 2 ounces of produce while still in the store.  Jaywalking! Spray that Grandma until she actually knows where she is!  Where is Phoenix Jones when we need him!!!??

Honestly, I hope these real life comedians, or heroes have great intentions.  However, if you are only armed with pepper spray and good intentions, may God be with you.  You may run into some of my friends who aren’t so kind.  Let’s leave it up to the police to pop a cap in anyone’s ass.  At least they are licensed to do so.


Commonly, I have made fun of “FACEBOOK”.  My mother, Margaret, and brother, Glenn, won’t know this term, but everyone else in the civilized world will know what facebook is.  Therefore, I won’t go into further detail.  I will, however, provide this blog as though it were facebook worthy.  There will be quotes from famous authors.  I will talk about my weekend.  I will, once again, mention one of my many brothers who are perhaps making you weary. Additionally, there may be a picture of someone you don’t give a shit about.  Fortunately for you, we don’t have children.  Baseball will, of course, be utilized as a stupid analogy for anything… even if it’s in reference to lobster, neighbors, tic tack toe, or gambling.

Here we go.  Britt, my wife, and Tom, my brother, and I spent a glorious last weekend in Seattle.  We cooked wonderful food, dined at local establishments, attended a ballgame, visited the farmer’s market, walked through Lincoln Park, pissed in the neighbor’s yard, developed resumes, and most importantly, played pinball at a place called Shorty’s.  It isn’t a place for dwarfs, gnomes or midgets, just a cute name for a pinball bar where old school games we used to play at 7 elevens during the late 1970’s go to survive. Isn’t this intriguing?

Some face bookers need to get a lesson from this.  If you cut yourself shaving, no one cares.  If you’re cheating on your wife, no one wants to know.  If your son or daughter is playing a soccer game on any given Saturday, your friends will run for the hills.

Tom provided a wonderful point this last weekend.  He gave me terrific feedback concerning one of my posts.  Brother Tom kindly said, “I like your writing, but did you have any point with the post “Baseball and Couches”?  He was dead on.  Not only did he have a point, but I was embarrassed because I had no point.  Additional embarrassment manifested from the basic fact I wasn’t drunk when I wrote that piece of shit.  At least, that could have been an excuse.

Back to Facebook and points:  Here lies my ultimate point.  John Steinbeck once delivered fabulously simple words in the book, Of Mice and Men.  He articulated, far better than me, an idea which made some sense.   Within the novel, the character known as Crooks, an extremely lonely black stable man stated, “Books ain’t no good”.  People need people. Personally, I’m not a facebook type of guy, but now I understand why it helps just to say something to someone….face to face, e-mail, or Facebook. Even if no one really cares, or they don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, social interaction makes all of us feel a little better.

Keep facebooking

Summer here and there

The end of summer is near.  How demoralizing.  Speaking from a teacher’s perspective, this is fabulously crucial to a mind fixated on three special months. Immortalizing summer is quite appropriate for the following posts.   In fact, for those of you who follow this post, I implore you to provide feedback on why summertime is so special.  Sadly, living in Seattle, we haven’t experienced a summer….not like the ones I remember.

Summer School was the primary reason I kept up my grades.  Summer School wasn’t summer cool.  Not being a terrific fan of studies, I continued turning in my papers on time while crossing my eyes and dotting my tees.  That’s the only way I could avoid the despicable thought of spending June, July, and August in a classroom.  It made perfect sense to me.  As dad stated, “If you don’t get the grades, you don’t get the baseball”. That was my motivation for finally learning how to cross my t’s and dot my i’s.

Not being solid enough to make the baseball gig work, I focused on less respectful occupations.  Ultimately, I became a teacher……..Why?:June, July and August.  (those who know me recognize the fact or fiction within this statement)

Camping, fishing, cross country trips, finally being forced to work through some agonizing summer heat….well, my summer memories are embedded in my mind, good, bad, or great, like the Royal Flush you can’t forget.

The following blogs will represent the summers my friends, enemies, neighbors, co-workers, may or may not have forgotten.