My nephew, Pat, remarked upon my India blog imagining me as Indiana Jones. Interestingly, it’s a keen observation, aside from a few details. Instead of wearing a fedora, I adorn myself with an Adidas cap. Rather than utilizing boots, I run from cars and motorcycles with cheap fabric tennis shoes. I don’t have a whip, just a leather belt to keep my pants up, and if necessary, use it to fend off the monkeys which smile at me just prior to attacking.
Doctor Jones and I do have one thing in common. We are both heroes. Indiana discovered the Ark of the Covenant, Crystal Skulls, sacred stones, Christ’s Chalice and Jewish Directors. Although not accomplishing any of those tasks, my heroic capacity supersedes Indiana on one level. I never witnessed him, NOT ONCE, cross a street in India. If you recall the 80’s video game Frogger, my wife and I are living it on an hourly basis. Dodging cars, rickshaws, buses, motor bikes and Hare Krishnas while holding my wife’s hand detonates everything Indiana Jones did for fictional society.
Keep us in your prayers.
Benmeat Josniffafish Gannonjob (That’s my new Indian name)