The greatest thing about being in India is not being able to watch the Seattle Mariners lose. The second item I love about India is that they find it pretentious when Americans tip them. Therefore, if you witnessed my previous blog, I am the most pretentious human staying in India.
My wife, Britt, and I strolled about the streets last night tripping amongst the rubble. We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly for several reasons. Each person seems to be extremely nice, the weather is far more attractive than Seattle, and we were not hit by a car or motorcycle. Far more dangerous is yours truly. I must learn, much like driving on the left side of the road, that it is appropriate and courteous to walk on the left side of anything. I’ve bumped into more Indians than Custer.
I have no idea what time it is or what day it is. Most of the people who read my drivel are probably asleep. I’m now off to find some monkeys even though I’ve been told they are wonderfully dangerous. If I don’t leave an additional India blog, you may assume I am in a hospital in Hong Kong as they do not have terrific health care here.