Vipedelism (it isn’t a word)

A very close friend of mine enjoys fabricating words.  He is very bright and funny but should stick with Geometric Theorems. He has recently made up a word called, “sasquatigirarinismism”.  I don’t know what that means.

I’ve recently made up a word.  It’s commonly referred to as “Vipedelism”.  You can find it on “Wrongepidea”.  These are men who walk upright on two legs and speak with 6 mouths.  The word actually goes back to the Roman times where Roman numerals made some form of sense.  IV apparently meant 4.  VI actually meant six.  VCR once meant, in ancient times, “Video Comedic Recorder”. “Beta Max” meant, I wish to be hip, and my parents have a bunch of money, but I think I’ve made a grave error in economic judgment collecting this crap..

My wife is trying to tell me something about a DVR.  I told her she was just having a dream and then instructed her to watch “Planet of the Apes”.  It’s simply fictional and fabulously outlandish to even think of such a thing.


Punctuality and Meetings of the Mindless: hmm

Does punctuality really exist?  For some, yes.  For others, negative.  It’s really just a matter of vanity.  While working the same job for 15 years, I may have looked awful, smelled dreadful, and forgot to wear two shoes, but by gosh, I was always on time, almost to a fault.  Women aren’t quite the same.  They like to look nice, smell wonderful and wear two matching shoes.  This requires them a bit more time preparing for pointless meetings.  I’ll give this to females.  They usually do have more hair than the common man, thus requiring more time to ready themselves for the daily battle.

The weekly or morning meetings at our place of employment were always a joy. My friends and I showed up on time to more meetings than Jimmy Conners had balls.  Isn’t that the old saying?  My good friend, Jack, taught me that. Other than for comedic purposes, these meetings were utterly useless.  Yet, our contract and principal stated by abstract law we should be present.  We’d sit at attention at tables just prior to meetings scheduled for 7 o’clock, right on the dot, praying for our fellow female employees to be there at the same time so we could get this show on and off the road as quickly as possible.  That’s one of the reasons I lost a little faith in God.  Our prayers were never answered.

At 7:15 am, the meeting would proceed.  The guys on time at our table were already quite disgruntled, thus setting up the gathering of nitwits to be that much more meaningless.  As vigilantes, we would deliberately ignore, distract or destroy the judge of the meeting’s pointless point.  Several times, it would get us in a bit of hot water, but we always managed to laugh our way through it.  Case in point: When a piano keynote speaker would be presenting us with information we already knew, someone at our table, very seriously, and with supreme maturity would do something such as draw a large middle finger on a notepad, pass it from person to person at the table giving each of us a chuckle.  One of my friends once drew a beautiful picture of another friendly employee smoking a cigarette, which is exactly what that employee wished to be doing, amongst other things at the time.  My belly laugh almost caused me to be removed from that particular meeting.  If I could live it over again, I would have laughed even harder, ensuring my expulsion from nonsense.

Let’s get back to punctuality.  For people in the wrong, they usually try to make things right by accusing the accuser.  The people tardy for these meetings could not fathom how all these men who most likely were at a bar until midnight could possibly show up on time for a 7 a.m meeting.  They were simply disgusted.  So, while we were laughing and making fun of acronyms we didn’t know or would fabricate, non punctual people would stroll by with their nose, not in the air, but in your face, and say, “It smells like booze at this table”.  We’d all look at one another and say, “It didn’t until you showed up”.  Then, we’d laugh and piss people off further.  They were actually the worst of times and the best of times.  Didn’t a famous author say something like that?  It must have been something about punctuality and meetings.

My wife and I play a little game called “Punctuality”.  It’s a simple game requiring spreads, just like gambling on a football game.  She will state she’ll be home by 6 o’clock from work or perhaps the salon.  Knowing this is an abject lie, I recognize that 7 o’clock is really what she means.  That’s why I give her, instead of 60 points, 60 minutes.  (Gamblers would understand this.  If you were never a gambler, let me give you some advice. Don’t gamble unless you are betting on your wife being late)  It’s a simple matter of mathematics. Basically, I double every time limit she has, whether it has to do with how long we spend at Target, a local drugstore, the I-Hop with her Nanna, or when she finishes her hair or even perhaps completes an expedition to any shoe store.  It’s a terrific game because it eliminates quarrels.  If she covers the time spread, I’m happy to get the hell out of target and she gets a foot rub and watches extraordinarily mind bending shows such as Desperate Housewives.  If she doesn’t cover the time spread, I watch baseball and football with her until I fall asleep.  Secretly, she loves sports, so she wins either way.

You may find this game at Ben’s and Noble.

P.S.  It’s 5:30 and she was supposed to be home by 4:30.  Now, we have to watch the Seattle Seahawks.  I guess I lose again.

Happy Halloween…bad economy….no potato famine

Halloween can sometimes be tricky. That’s a horrible and non punny introduction.  However, today I was researching treats people may hand out on this sacred day recognizing ghosts, goblins, murderers, the devil, dash in a sprinkle of a child dressed as a nice hobo or perhaps a pirate who kindly pillages and plunders, a broom flying witch (no, I am not referring to my former principal) and a guy dressing up as Steve.  He is my Irish brother.

Sleepy Hallow was about a legend known as “The Headless Horseman”.  My brother, Steve, is about a legend known as Steve.  Legend has it, and I confirmed it earlier this morning, he did something absolutely deplorable and despicable one Halloween evening while living alone in his house 30 some odd years ago.

This is not for the faint of heart, so look away or run away if you are a bit squeamish.  My brother, Steve, is a bit of a health nut.  He enjoys an occasional beer, but candy really isn’t his cup of cavity.  Therefore, while living in his humble rock house, he thought  giving out raw potatoes providing nutrients to children would be far more important than providing candy corn and apples riddled with razor blades.  That part is true.  This next legendary part I’m hoping is true.  One of those raw potatoes went flying and crashing through one of his windows that Halloween night, thus costing him more than a bag of Barber Shop Bubble Gum.  Who knows?  The culprit could possibly have  been one of his younger brothers.

Tonight, I am dressing up as Steve.  That will scare the Halloween out of everyone.  They won’t be getting potatoes, but, much like Steve, they will receive a laugh, a smile, and sadly, a few cavities.

Have a safe evening and enjoy the fun memories of Halloween.  …….(unless you are a boyfriend who doesn’t enjoy watching his girlfriend dressing up as a prostitute).

Game 6

Witnessing great baseball games has been a theme for my baseblogs.  I will keep this short, weird and a bit confusing. Previously, I wrote about a World Series game my father and I watched 23 years ago, not necessarily changing my life, but for one evening, definitely providing a bunch of fun.

Game 6 of the World Series ended last night in the bottom of the 11th inning on a walk off home run by St. Louis Cardinal David Freese.  The St. Louis Cardinals were not the team my wife and I were hoping to win.  As very spiritual people, we were praying for them to lose.  As most common people know, God, Jesus, Bud-ah, Beelzebub, and Mormon Young watch all of these ballgames, even on Sunday.  They were all partying last night because of the fun it provided for so many people.

The home run leads the two teams to game seven of the series and my wife and I are rooting for the Texas Rangers.  My gambling background believes I irritated the Baseball Gods by thinking the Rangers had it won in the 9th inning of the game last night.  To all the gamblers betting on the Rangers that evening, I hold full responsibility for saying, “This game is over”.  I was already eating a bratwurst while celebrating before what I thought was to be the last pitch dictating the outcome of the game.  For St. Louis Cardinal fans…….you’re welcome.

Other than wanting and trying to believe in Sasquatch, UFO’s and other ridiculous supernatural phenomenons, after watching Game 6 of The World Series last night with my wife,I had to question my insanity. During the game, we believed the stars were colliding and weird things were happening.  I guess you could refer to it as a moment of Baseball Clarity.  At the end of the game, my thought was, “Are you World Serious?”  If the well respected Bill Shatner would have been present in our living room, he would have said something profound like, “We have gone where no team has gone before.”  That’s a little dramatic, but for a goofball like me, that’s how goofy I was last night.

For stars colliding, convening, and sometimes convincing, the Cardinals have some strange Karma I don’t want to believe.  It’s much like not wanting to believe in ghosts.  No thank you.  Will you go to some other house?  You scare me.  I’m not betting on the Cardinals to lose because they scare me.  (That, and our stock has decreased significantly over the last couple of days)

Last night’s game was arguably one of the greatest World Series games in history.  Tonight’s game may be anticlimactic.  Who knows?  As a baseball observer for many years, it has been the most interesting and fun post season I’ve ever witnessed.

When I wrote about another wonderful World Series game occurring 23 years ago, the home run hero was wearing the number 23.  Last night’s hero was wearing number 23. Twenty three years ago, Tony Larussa, was the opposing manager to the man crushing the game winning home run, thus crushing the team’s spirits so many years ago.  Tony Larussa is now the manager of The St. Louis Cardinals who is defying many odds and strikes.

I really hope Texas wins tonight, and I think they should, but strange things happen in this wacky world.  My gambling money will remain in my pocket this evening.

By the way, I’ve never bet on baseball.  I just wildly enjoy the sport.  Just ask my wife.

Watch Game 7.


Cereal :(

So I was sitting around drinking breast milk the other day and I thought to myself, at 24 years old, this may be a bit too old to drink breast milk.  I am a Master Jedi when it comes to doing stupid things.  Allow me to explain.

My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, including her fascinating infant, were in town over last week and we had a magical few days together. Britt’s nephew, who we shall refer to as Ty Bone, a six month old dynamo, became a bit fussy about eating. Ty Bone required a bit of coaxing to finish his breakfast one morning. Remembering the days of my brother, Steve, eating dog food from our mother’s kitchen, I decided to take over, thinking Gerber’s Cream of Wheat couldn’t be that awful. Evidently,when children, which I have none of, see an imbecile eating something, they tend to throw down their arms and eat it too.  Ty Bone needed to eat.  While being a Great Uncle, I showed this beautiful young boy how to eat. After sampling Ty Bones brunch, there was a tang I couldn’t quite identify.  It turns out that “Gerber’s Cream of Wheat” was actually cream of  boob.  I didn’t know mothers placed breast milk in baby food.  As a simpleton, I only thought babies drank the stuff in closed doors, or solitary confinement.

Trish, my sister-in- law, was extremely kind and funny when she said, “Do you know what you just ate?”  I told her I ate some Gerber’s food to persuade your son to eat.  She then told me what additional garnishes were sprinkled in the food.  I then excused myself to the nearest bathroom.

Not only embarrassed, accidentally drinking breast milk for the second time, I felt horrible for Trish’s husband, currently fighting for us overseas, not being the first adult to try it out.  Sorry, Nick.

As a male married with no children, I was forced to further research this important subject.  When I do research, I text, tweet, or rotary dial certain qualified individuals possibly possessing more knowledge about profound subjects.  The responses were astonishing.  I did not know this was a common occurrence for mankind.  I will again change names to protect the disgusting fathers and husbands.

Pat:  Oh yeah, I tried it.  It was a little thick, but I drink whole milk, and her’s is a lot cheaper.

Chris: I need it before I go to sleep at night.  (he is thirty years old)

Ben:  I am going to stick with Lucerne Skim Milk.

Ty Bone:  Just give me a boob and I’m fine.  Don’t give me any of that Gerber crap.

I am so glad I don’t remember my days as an infant.

Pumpkin Police

Sarcasm is a wonderful weapon when it’s used properly upon others.  When it’s tossed back at you with wicked power, it can be equally effective.

I write so I can help pay the rent.  If I wrote to make a ton of money, I don’t think I’d see, hear, or have any contact with earthlings I enjoy……i.e…..relatives, friends, and even an occasionally friendly neighbor.

Britt (AKA…Yoko Gannon) and I recently moved to a new neighborhood, thus befriending and defriending members of the community.  Sir John Ellingson and his wife have welcomed my wife, Britt, and I into this humble neighborhood.  His wife, Megan, and their daughter, Emma (AKA…Peanut) have also made us feel welcome.  They bake us magnificent banana bread, prepare terrific omelets and invite us to their daughter’s dance and ballet classes.  Genuinely, and without any sarcastic tone, they are great people.  John actually irritates me because he is taller, maintains more hair, stays in shape, has a good job, is a great father and is just generally better than me.  He also has a sense of humor and sense of dry wit, making mine sound infantile.

Britt, Megan, John, Emma, Chris, (John’s friend) and I had some appetizers the other night at their house.  John was a bit irritated with me because I don’t update my blog enough.  I tried to explain why my updates aren’t always up to date.  My editor always wishes to read my blogs before sending them to the world.

John is a man who knows I stay at home attempting to write.  He also knows there are times when I just get to take the dogs to the park and prepare dinner for Britter Bear Gannon. One recent day, while suffering from writer’s blockage, I purchased two pumpkins so I could surprise Britt with my carving talents.  Britt happily and proudly described my artistic prowess with the pumpkins to John.  In a needle like fashion, John responded, much like the mayor of West Seattle,….”so Ben just sits at home and carves pumpkins all day”?

I don’t get offended easily.  I get offended really easily.  If I had balls below the waist, it would have been considered a low blow.  Since I don’t have balls below the waist, I merely interpreted it as verbal slander.

John, my new, and perhaps ex friend, works long hours. I wave him goodbye when he leaves for work.   Other than making fun of baseball teams I root for, he supports my writing and motivates me to be a good husband, and eventually and hopefully, some day, a good father.  There will never be another “Peanut”, but maybe someday, Britt and I will have a Cashew.

I shall now provide a picture displaying the 8 working hours, or 8 seconds it took to create these Halloween monuments.  Easter Island, The Pyramids of Egypt, The Sphincter, all close seconds to my master pieces.  These may be the eighth and ninth wonders of the world.  How many wonders of the world exist?  Sorry.  I don’t trust Wikipedia.

Yankees and number 13

I don’t hate anyone.  Personally, I’m just too worried about my wife and myself to have the time to hate people.  I do, however, acquire a lack of respect with certain people and sometimes athletes.  Last night’s game between the Yanks and the Tigers made me sleep well.

There will  be no names mentioned regarding this subject, because quite frankly, the names are not worthy of mentioning.  I will mention numbers.  The number 13 is very important to my wife and me.  Strangely, it represents many wonderful things in our life.  For anyone who knows me, they may understand this statement.

Seeing people fail is never fun.  However, when they wear the number 13 on their back, and have been proven to have taken drugs which makes that person much richer than me, I get a little irritated.  Sadly, my wife and I happily rejoiced when number 13 struck out to end the game.

I am now going to confession, because that was mean.

Baseball enthusiast……..But not a lover of the Yankees

Phones (sell phones)

I shall now write with regard to phones as though you and I are common cave dwellers.  Land lines RULE.  Oh, so you say you don’t know what a Land Line is??  Let me progress.  These are phones which don’t require touch tone anything, don’t necessarily give you poor service (Verizon) and when you actually sit on it, it doesn’t call an ex girlfriend pissing your wife off.  Rotary phones, which once existed, were wonderful.  These were phones allowing  you to make a call when forcefully placing your finger in an obviously circular area rotating it seven times only to reach the presumed innocent recipient.

They were strange phones where,when dialing,  you didn’t hear a rap song or a Jerry Seinfeld tune.  Instead, you received a buzzer dictating whether the said recipient wished to talk to you or not.

Because I love my late Father,  I can’t even get into call waiting.  That was a no no no.
