
Growing up a bad Catholic, I was encouraged to give up something for forty or forty six days during Lent. Drinking, gambling and Whoppers were always options, but I chose to give up swearing one year. The former three were just incomprehensible.   I F–ed up the second day regarding the swearing.  I was forgiven on the next day.

One of my best friends is a Lutheran.  Lutherans celebrate Lent and abstinence somewhat different from Catholics.  Other than ashes, I asked him what he is giving up on this year.  He replied, “My Marriage.”  The papers are being filed as I write.  I guess guilt is not an acquired taste for Lutherans.  God Bless them.

Strike Three

Swing at strikes.  If you know nothing about baseball, you’re out.

April 15 (opening day….baseball) is right around the corner, and if my mom is looking forward to Spring and seven months of baseball, YOU better look forward to seven months of baseball.  It’s just that simple… as is the game.

As Americans, we don’t look forward to sloppy play by play.  We look forward to hotdogs and a cold beer while listening to play by play.  If you can’t play the game, you may as well eat and drink it.  Am I wrong?  No.  I’m not.

As is life, successfully playing baseball is wildly difficult.  Eating and drinking isn’t.

Let’s Make One Beer Funny Again!

Companied with beer, my mother always said “Laughter is a great chaser.”  In her mind, “chaser” was the medicine.   Approaching one hundred years of age, I’ve stood at ease listening to her glorious laughter for decades, but I’ve only witnessed her drinking one beer.  She should have been more specific with the ratio of beer to laughter while providing this advice to some of her spawn.

Have a safe New Year, and then more to follow.


Cleveland’s Costumes

With my back turned, listening from a distance (my kitchen) to the Republican National Convention, I was hearing a chant which caught my attention.  Turning from the shrimp filled saute pan, I swore I could distinctly hear, quite rhythmically, “Al-Co-Hol….Al-Co-Hol…Al-Co-Hol!”  After further analysis, they were instead chanting, “Build the Wall…Build the Wall….Build the Wall!”  Of course, my first assumption was a bit silly, or was it?

Soon after recognizing my error, I received a text message from my brother, Tom, commenting on the convention’s atmosphere.  (This is a direct quote from my brother….no plagiarism whatsoever……I didn’t write one word of this……nor did my speech writer.)

“These are grown up adults at these conventions, in costumes, waving signs that are horrendous.  Where is Mark Twain when we need him?”

Precisely.  Mark Twain would have eloquently crucified this gathering, whether he was a Trump supporter or not.  And, if I may add, he would not have been the least bit surprised if they were chanting “Al-Co-Hol!” because clearly, the vast majority had been imbibing prior to entering the arena.  Is there any other excuse for this behavior?  I guess I could think of one other excuse, and as an educated American, I will patronize an audience by providing a simple suggestion.  Make America smart again.